As China’s largest search engine and a global AI and Internet technology leader, Baidu is a powerhouse of innovation. The ERNIE language model, surpassing Google’s BERT in Chinese language processing, positions Baidu at the cutting edge of technological advancement.

In our comprehensive Baidu SEO Ranking Factors Correlation Study*, we analyzed the SERPs for 10,000 Chinese keywords, delving into the top 20 rankings to uncover the factors influencing Baidu’s search engine algorithms.

Search Engine Insights

This study is a goldmine for SEO practitioners globally, not just those targeting the Chinese market. Baidu’s unique approach to search engine technology offers invaluable insights, especially in an era where a deep understanding of algorithms and how search engines work is crucial for SEO success.

Similar to how the SEO community has extensively studied the leaked Yandex papers, understanding Baidu’s SERP construction is equally critical.

Baidu Services in Baidu SERPs

In understanding Baidu’s influence in SEO, it’s important to recognize its array of proprietary services that often dominate the search results. For example, services like Baidu Maps are integral for local searches, similar to the role of Google Maps in other regions.

A notable 34.9% of the top 10 search results are dominated by Baidu’s own services, marking a significant increase from 24.7%, as reported in Searchmetrics’ Baidu Ranking Factors Study in 2020**.

Percentage of Baidu’s own results in top 1024.70%34.91%
Percentage of Baidu’s own results in top 20NA24.91%
Percentage of Baidu’s own results on position #139.00%60.13%

This dominance extends to 60.13% of first-place positions, up from 39%.

Image by author, December 2023

This data isn’t just informative; it’s a clear directive for SEO experts to recalibrate their strategies in China’s unique digital space.

Baidu’s prioritization of its platforms, from Baike to Wenku, signifies more than a preference – it’s a strategic move to retain users within its ecosystem.

these are the most important Baidu services ranked on Baidu's SERPsImage by author, December 2023

Baidu Baike, their version of Wikipedia, stands out for its heavily moderated content, ensuring quality but also presenting a challenge for content creators.

The Q&A platform Baidu Zhidao, akin to Quora, and Baidu Wenku, a comprehensive file-sharing service, also frequently appear in search results, reflecting Baidu’s unique algorithm preferences.

These platforms, especially Wenku, tend to have a more prominent presence in Baidu’s SERPs compared to similar platforms in Google’s ecosystem, underscoring the tailored approach Baidu takes in meeting its user’s search needs.

China SEO experts like Stephanie Qian (of The Egg Company) and Veronique Duong (of Rankwell) highlight the potential of leveraging these high-authority domains for enhanced visibility.

This isn’t just a shift in Baidu’s SERPs; it’s a new playbook for Baidu’s SEO success in 2024.

The Unique SEO Landscape In China

Navigating China’s SEO landscape involves understanding unique factors beyond typical SEO strategies. Central to this is China’s rigorous internet regulation, the Great Chinese Firewall, which aims to shield its populace from content considered harmful.

This leads to slower load times for sites hosted outside China due to content scanning and potential blocking. Furthermore, websites on servers flagged for illegal content risk being completely inaccessible in mainland China.

Baidu, the dominant search engine in China, primarily serves the mainland’s Mandarin-speaking audience, favoring content in Simplified Chinese. This contrasts with the Traditional Chinese used in Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Although Baidu indexes global content, its algorithm shows a clear preference for Simplified Chinese, a crucial consideration for SEO targeting this region.

Regarding market share, our study counters the narrative of Bing overtaking Baidu.

In the Chinese market, Baidu remains the primary source of organic traffic, contributing around 70% for our B2B clients, while Bing-China accounts for about 20% – based on analytics data of our B2B clients in China.

This contradicts reports based on StatCounter data, which is used by only 0.01% of top-ranking pages on Baidu, and, as per BuiltWith, is only used by 946 websites.

In-Depth Analysis Of 2024 Baidu Ranking Factors

Domain And URL Structures

The findings paint a clear picture: Baidu’s ranking algorithm shows a distinct preference for certain TLDs and URL structures, with a notable lean towards Chinese TLDs and simplified, linguistically uniform URLs.

For global clients targeting the Chinese market, adapting to these preferences is key.

TLDs: The Rise Of Chinese Top-Level-Domains

The distribution of Top-Level Domains (TLDs) among Baidu’s top-ranking results shows a clear preference:

top TLDs in Baidu's SERPs, without sub-domains counted.Image from author, December 2023
  • .com domains lead with 72.59%.
  • .cn domains have seen a significant rise, from 3.8% in 2020 (via Searchmetrics) to 14.06% in 2023.
  • follows with an increase from 5.5% in 2020 to 6.55%.

This upward trend for Chinese TLDs, notably .cn, suggests their growing importance as a potential ranking factor for 2024.

percantage or ranking URLs per position from a .cn domainImage from author, December 2023

Subdomains and URL Structures

A majority of ranking pages, 58.42%, are found on a ‘www’ subdomain.

Interestingly, URLs with Chinese characters are rare, constituting only 0.8% of ranking URLs and even fewer in domain names, at just 0.0035%.

rankings in Baidu's top20 from domains that contain Chinese Characters in their namesImage from author, December 2023

Stephanie Qian from The Egg Company comments,

“Baidu’s official stance discourages the use of Chinese characters in URLs, dispelling myths about their potential ranking benefits.”

URL Length and Language Indicators

Contrary to the belief that shorter URLs rank better on Baidu, our study found the average URL length of well-ranking pages to be 48.25 characters, with 2.3 folders/directories.

This finding suggests that the internal linking structure might play a more crucial role than URL length or proximity to the root domain.

Further, only 2.3% of top-ranking pages use Chinese language indicators in their URLs (like, for example, ‘cn.’ subdomain or ‘/cn/’ folder), supporting the narrative that Baidu favors mono-lingual Chinese websites.

This insight is particularly relevant for multi-lingual international websites aiming to optimize for Baidu.

Onpage Best Practices For Chinese SEO

For Baidu SEO in 2024, it’s not just about including keywords but strategically placing them within well-structured, relevant content. This approach aligns with modern SEO practices where user experience and content relevance reign supreme.

Title Tags And Meta-Descriptions

The average length of title tags on top-ranking pages is 25 Chinese characters, while meta-descriptions average 86 characters. These lengths ensure visibility in Baidu’s SERPs without being truncated.

Interestingly, 36% of top-ranking pages use exact match keywords in the title tags, a figure that rises to 54.4% for more competitive short-head keywords.

presence of the exact match keyword in title tags of top ranking pages on Baidu organic searchImage from author, December 2023
Whole keyword setShorthead keywordsMidtail keywordsLongtail keywords
Correlation score-0.1-0.17-0.14-0.02

For meta-descriptions, 22.2% of top-ranking pages include the exact match keyword, increasing to 34.4% for short-head keywords.

The positioning of the keyword also matters: it’s typically at the front of the title tag but around the 10th position in meta-descriptions.

Headings: Hierarchy And Keyword Placement

Headings play a vital role in Baidu SEO:

  • 71.2% of top-ranking pages correctly use one H1 tag.
  • Nearly half (47.8%) use hierarchical headline structures effectively.
  • 21.1% incorporate the exact match keyword in H1, usually around the 4th or 5th position.
  • H2 and H3 tags are used by 44% and 46% of top-ranking pages, respectively, averaging around nine headlines each.
  • Lesser used H4 headlines appear in 22.4% of top-ranking pages, while H5 and H6 are used by less than 10%.
headline usage on Chinese websitesImage from author, December 2023

Content And Keyword Density

Content length is a significant factor, with top-ranking pages averaging 4929 characters, although the median is 3147 characters.

About 85% of the content is in Chinese Characters, a vital benchmark for international companies localizing content.

Exact match keywords are used in the content of 49% of top-ranking pages, with the likelihood increasing for more competitive keywords (57% for mid-tail and 66% for short-head keywords).

However, keyword density is less than 1% on average, indicating a move away from over-optimized, spammy content.

The first appearance of the keyword is often within the first 18% of the content.

The Role Of Images

Images are crucial. More than 94% of top-ranking pages feature an average of 27.5 images; 55.4% use alt-tags, and 12.8% include the keyword in at least one alt-tag.

Internal Links

Interestingly, using the keyword in the anchor text of outbound links does not appear to dampen ranking potential, as 20.3% of top-ranking pages do so.

Backlinks: A Key Factor In Baidu’s SEO Rankings

In addition to on-page SEO elements, backlinks play a crucial role in determining rankings on Baidu.

Our analysis, backed by data from DataForSEO and Majestic, reveals a strong positive correlation between the number of referring domains and improved rankings.

Quantity And Quality Of Referring Domains

The quantity of referring domains significantly impacts Baidu rankings. Websites with a higher number of referring domains generally achieve better positions.

number of referring domains did correlate with better rankings on Baidu in 2020 and still in 2023

Interestingly, data shows that even sites with fewer referring domains can rank well. The 50 lowest-ranked domains had an average of only 1.1 linking domains according to DataForSEO, and 1.3 as per Majestic’s data.

This indicates that while the number of backlinks is important, there are opportunities for sites with fewer links to still perform well on Baidu.

The Impact Of Link Quality

Link quality is equally crucial.

There’s a strong correlation between high-quality links (as measured by Majestic’s Trust Flow/Citation Flow and DataForSEO Rank) and better rankings on Baidu.

Sites with higher-quality links tend to rank more favorably.

higher Majestic Trust-Flow scores correlate with better rankings on BaiduScreenshot from Majestic’s Trust Flow/Citation Flow and DataForSEO Rank, December 2023

Additionally, top-ranking sites typically have a lower DataForSEO Backlinks Spam Score, underlining the importance of not just the quantity but the quality and trustworthiness of backlinks.

These insights highlight that a well-rounded backlink profile, combining a healthy number of links with high quality, is essential for achieving and maintaining high rankings on Baidu.

It’s a balance of garnering enough attention to be seen as authoritative yet ensuring that attention comes from reputable, high-quality sources.

This approach aligns with broader SEO best practices, emphasizing the importance of building a natural and reputable backlink profile for sustained SEO success.

Emerging Trends And Practical SEO Strategies For Baidu

As SEO strategies evolve, understanding the impact of specific elements like tags, security protocols, and social media integrations is crucial, especially for Baidu.

The analysis sheds light on these advanced aspects.

Tag Usage And Structure

  • List Usage: A significant 86.5% of top-ranking pages employ <ul> lists, averaging 10.8 lists per page with 7.9 points each. Interestingly, 12.9% incorporate the target keyword within these lists.
  • Tables: 18.2% of top-ranking pages use <table> tags, but a mere 3.1% include the target keyword within these tables, suggesting tables are less about keyword placement and more about structured data presentation.
  • Emphasizing Tags: 9.7% of top-ranking pages use emphasizing tags like <strong>, <em>, and <i>, indicating a selective approach to their usage.Technical SEO and Security

Technical SEO And Security

  • HTTPS: Now an official ranking factor for Baidu, the adoption of HTTPS has risen from 55% in 2020 (Searchmetrics’ study) to 69.6% among top-ranking pages
  • Mobile Optimization: A significant trend is the decline in referencing separate mobile pages, from 35% in 2020 to just 10.3% today, reflecting a shift towards responsive design.
  • Google Tag Manager: Usage among top-ranking pages has decreased from 8% in 2020 to only 2.5%, possibly reflecting localization preferences in tools and technologies.

Hreflang And International SEO

  • Hreflang Usage: Just 1.5% of…

Con información de Search Engine Journal.

Leer la nota Completa > Baidu Ranking Factors for 2024: A Comprehensive Data Study


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